WhatsApp added a feature on the platform some time ago, in which the user sending the message can delete the sent message for both the parties. Understand in simple language, if you send a message to someone on WhatsApp and after sending it you want to delete it, now you will get two options. If you press and hold on that message, you can either delete that message only for yourself or delete it for both you and the person in front.
The second option is named ‘Delete for everyone’, which removes the message from the receiver’s chat as well. Now when it comes to whether you can read deleted messages later by the sender, the answer is yes, you can read deleted messages on WhatsApp. If a message comes on your WhatsApp and that message is deleted before or after you read it, then you do not need to be disappointed, because you can read that deleted message.
There are many Applications available on Playstore using which you can easily read deleted Whatsapp messages on your android phone. But in this article i will reveal a secret trick using which you will no longer need any third party app to read deleted messages of Whatsapp. For this, you have to turn on a special setting on your Android phone.
In this article i will tell you how to easily turn on this setting in a few steps. Keep in mind that these settings are only available on Android phones. If you have any Android phone, then it will be easy for you to read the messages deleted by the sender on WhatsApp. All you need to do is turn on a setting called ‘Notification History’. When the Notification setting is turned on, this setting will work for every app on your phone including WhatsApp.
How to read deleted WhatsApp messages?
First go to the Settings of your phone.
Now tap on the ‘Notifications’ option.
Then tap on the advanced settings option.
Now click on ‘Notification History’ option
and turn on this setting.
The Notification History feature records all the notifications on your phone as well as WhatsApp. In this case, if someone sends you a message and that message appears in the notification on your phone, then that message will be recorded.
After this, even if the sender deletes that message, you can still read that message inside the notification history option.Here you have to keep in mind that the notification only records the text details. If a photo, video or file has been sent to you and later deleted, you will not be able to see it in the Notification History. Also, if your chat box is open and the message you received is not recorded in the notification, you will not be able to see that message in the history.
Finally, also note that Notifications History only records notifications that came within 24 hours, so you won’t see messages deleted before this time limit here.
So if you want to see deleted media files which you cannot see using above trick, then you have to install a third party app from playstore.I have written a article on How to read deleted whatsapp messages? In which i have told how to see deleted media files on whatsapp using any third party app from playstore.
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